jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

Geography shapes nature of war

While I was reading I noticed lots of things that I didn't know, like how the landscape affects in a war and also the weather. Even though it is important to know the geography of a country before attack it and prepare soldiers for different kind of climate, is not the way that it should be. 
I personaly believe that a war is just a silly thing, because invade another country and attack the people who live there is just an act of selfishness.
To conclude, a war does not solve countries problems and differences, instead of wasting time doing those things we should learn how to be friends and most important, how to understand each other and see our own flaws and all.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Native Americans: Crazy Horse

Crazy horse was a native american chief called Tashunka Witko, he was well known for his commitment with the Sioux tribe, he fought against the invaders to safeguarding traditions and principles of the Sioux. Crazy Horse lead a huge war against the white man, who wanted to invade their homeland. He was one of the most important chiefs due to his bravery during the war that took place in 1877, but he surrendered just because he didn´t wanted Sioux people to suffer all the bad things that a war means.
I believe that Tashunka Witko is an example of bravery, because he always fought for his homeland and he believe in the tribe people, and more important is that he was following his dreams.

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010


Wich of the powers of a superhero would you most like to have? Why?
I would like to have the power of super speed, because I always arrive late everywhere and I would be much happier if no matter what I just use my super power and arrive at time wherever I go. One of the most important super powers that I would like to have is the super vision, the reason why is because I have a short sight and is quite hard for me to see further than my foot.

How would your life change if you had one of these powers?
If I had super vision my life would be a way different, moreover I would be able to take the bus without a problem, and I think that I would rather enjoy reading, instead been always complaning about my sight.

Are there any of these superhuman powers that you would not like to have? Why?
If I were a superhero I would not like to have the power of inmortality, because it would be sad to see my family and relatives pass away and be always alone, and I personaly believe that inmortality is against nature. To sum up, I think that we are at God's will, and I would like to enjoy my family but been a mortal person.