viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010


Wich of the powers of a superhero would you most like to have? Why?
I would like to have the power of super speed, because I always arrive late everywhere and I would be much happier if no matter what I just use my super power and arrive at time wherever I go. One of the most important super powers that I would like to have is the super vision, the reason why is because I have a short sight and is quite hard for me to see further than my foot.

How would your life change if you had one of these powers?
If I had super vision my life would be a way different, moreover I would be able to take the bus without a problem, and I think that I would rather enjoy reading, instead been always complaning about my sight.

Are there any of these superhuman powers that you would not like to have? Why?
If I were a superhero I would not like to have the power of inmortality, because it would be sad to see my family and relatives pass away and be always alone, and I personaly believe that inmortality is against nature. To sum up, I think that we are at God's will, and I would like to enjoy my family but been a mortal person.

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